Thursday 30 May 2013

A Chibi A Day...{Part Two}

Yay for me! This plan is going well so far- and by that I mean I have actually stuck to it! Only four more chibis left, hmm? Let's hope my willpower lasts that long, and my attention span along with it.
Anyway, now that all my self congratulating is over and done with we can get down to the chibi itself. Today's chibi is Zhalia Moon, the blue haired loner of the Huntik group- thus a wolf, yes? Her eyes were actually quite difficult to pin down in the series, because she always has her hair flopping about everywhere, and then they will randomly change colour from amber to brown and back again. Grrr. Hey, Huntik- why you no have consistency? Still, here it is, enjoy.
And that's it, really- On to the next Chibi! Who will it be? Will, Dante...or someone else?
Signing off!
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1 comment:

  1. Heya Skittles!
    I know there's always a problem with Zhal's eyes- they are meant to be brown but never are- but I love them as they are. She's perfect. You are perfect. I hate you. Please, gain a flaw I can take advantage of. Please. Stop making me feel so inadequate.
    Kitsune-chan out!
