Sunday 3 August 2014

Who's that Pokemon?

Well, hello there Internet. Sorry for the long absence again- Exams and stuff get in the way a lot. Hopefully this post will show you what I've been up to. Also, stay tuned for the announcement of a new project that I've been working on alongside this one! Oooh! Exciting!
Anyway, as you may have guessed already, I've been working on my Fakemon Pokedex for my own Pokemon stuff. Not that I started at number one. Because that would be boring.
I do have quite a few of the Pokemon drawn on paper- 94 or so of them, to be more specific. Wow. That's a lot of Pokemon. Still got 71 left to go!
The reason this fine fellow is first to be posted, however, is because I recently unearthed my tablet, and so he's the only Pokemon so far that hasn't been drawn on paper first. It made it easier to get the design digitalised, but then colouring him in took a LOT of time. Believe me, it did.
His name is Hadleo, and he is my equivalent of an Umbreon. To get him you have to evolve a Ydrasileo during the night using friendship, same as an Umbreon too. The design came from a Manticore, a mythical creature that is part lion part scorpion. Only this guy is wearing a skull mask, too. In height comparison to a human, he's big enough to ride. Think like Suicune, or Entei sized. He's a Dark type- and that mane of his is made out of shadow! I'll figure out some Pokedex template and maybe put the others up with actual stats, but for now that's all you get.
Signing off!
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Sunday 2 February 2014

Route One

Woah, I am on a roll today! Here is the map for my version of Route One, complete with trees, wild Pokemon, and little ledges to have fun jumping over. It leads from Heatherdown to the next town, which I
haven't named or designed or anything yet, so bare with. And another thing! Let me know what you think about names for the version suggestions include: Monochrome, Midnight or Dusk. The region is based on England, since we've not had one there yet officially- although we're getting closer! Unova was New York, and Kalos is France, so you never know. The next generation might see us finally reach Britain!
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Home is Where the [START] is?

Hello, hello and welcome little peoples of the Internet, to another exciting development in the Pokemon Project! Yay! I've been using Advance Maps to create my own Pokemon towns, and here is the first.
Say hello to Heatherdown, the little starter town for my Pokemon region. (It doesn't have a name yet, oopsy)
Like most Pokemon starter towns, Heatherdown has just two houses and the Pokemon lab owned by Professor Yew, where players can obtain their first Pokemon!
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Thursday 30 January 2014

Never Trust a Babyface!

Well hello, Internet! I apologize for the absence, but A Levels and redoing sketchbooks and trying to salvage final pieces for cubism have been terribly time consuming, and what not. Now, I have something very special for you today.
You see, I have been creating my own Pokemon- and, here today is the first of my Pokemon people (since the pokemon are all hand drawn on paper, and I have to scan them in before I can show you the actual creatures)
This is Professor Isabelle Yew. Don't be fooled- she may look 12, but this right here is a grown lady with a kid of her own! Incidentally, that kid is Caleb Yew, the first of the gym leaders you'd encounter in my as-yet-unnamed-region.
Sweet, but ditsy, Isabelle tries her best to keep the lab in order, but is clumsy and forgetful, so projects are often strew about half finished. Her care of pokemon, however is diligent and motherly.
Now, before you ask, I have actually done a fair number of the pokemon, so I can tell you what hers are.

Chirobi, the Puppy Bat Pokemon. Grass Starter
Sintten, the Coal Kitten Pokemon. Fire Starter
Sashus, the Seahorse Pokemon. Water Starter
Soothshaman, a Psychic Pokemon (that may eventually evolve to a Seershaman, then a Hypact)
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Friday 10 January 2014

Christmas, I Choose You!

Okay, so first things first, I understand I've been gone for all of December, but soon you'll see why. As part of the whole Christmas present giving scheme, I decided to make my best friend her present, mostly because I thought it would be nice, but also because I am pretty skint.
Now, said friend is a huge fan of pokemon, so I decided to make something themed along that. When asked, her favorites are either Umbreon, Suicune, or Celebi. I wasn't sure what media to use, but after a short summary of my talents, and the discovery of wonderful craft style called amigurumi, I remembered that once I had been a dab hand at crochet.
I found a pattern for an Umbreon by Wolfdreamer that was simple and easy to follow- you can find it here ( and, whilst it took a few times to get the hand of magic circles, and the crochet jargon, at the end of it I had a decent little plushie to give to my friend.
Needless to say, she loved it, and I was quiet pleased with myself.
Around midway through, having done all but three legs, an ear and a tail.

Finished product!

And yes, he's sat on my keyboard stool.

Looks a bit drunk here, but oh well. 
Signing off!
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