Tuesday 6 August 2013

A Chibi A Day...{Part Three- Reloaded!}

So, you're probably wondering what Part 3 of my little Chibi Saga is doing up here instead of the long, long, LONG awaited Part 6. Allow me to shed some light on the situation. Recent comments about the Den chibi have been less than positive. His style apparently does not match that of the other chibis- a point I have to concede, having never draw a rat before, it was hard- and the lack of defining features as a Den rat rather than just A rat were picked up on.
This is my whole-hearted, and late night, attempt to remedy that.
There are a few differences between this Den and the original.
Firstly, the eyes in this Den-rat have been adjusted to better resemble the other chibis, with white spaces, a black pupil and varied shades that were missing in the original.
Secondly, the shades of his fur have been adjusted, and darkened, whilst shadows have been added to the fur spikes.
Thirdly, Den's Blood Spiral Mark- which is quite pivotal in the story of Huntik Season 2- has been added, partially, to Den-rat's back.
Fourthly, and finally, an amulet has been tucked under Den-rat's arm. Simply because I am in love with the amulet designs in Huntik. This particular addition is Cursed Archer, who has such a lovely simple amulet, in comparison to say, Caliban and Sabriel.

And that's it, really. Sorry to disappoint any who were looking for the last Chibi of the series, which is still in development. OCs are hard- there's nothing to base your work on, and I have to design an amulet for the chibi to have with it. That's hard work, ladies and gentlemen, believe me.

Signing off 
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Saturday 3 August 2013

An Avian Interlude

Ok, so whilst I gather the courage to brave the waters of A Chibi A Day again, here's a little photography to tide you little monsters over for a while.
These were all taken at Hardwick Park, with the help of a group called Going Digital, which take you out there, arrange the birds, and basically guide you through taking some kickass photos.
I'd recently received a new camera, a Canon EOS 500D, and I was nervous, since this was my first time shooting with an SLR, rather than a compact. The differences are amazing.
SLRs beat compacts hands down. No competition.
So, in no specific order, I have a photo for each of the birds we had with us at Hardwick.
Tawny Owl aka Mr Big Eyes

A Barn Owl Close Up

A Harris Hawk, with a 'Whiplash' to its tie. 

A Kestrel with a blacked out background.

A (molting) Buzzard, with wings swept down. 
So, let me know what you think? Are they in focus, are they in shot, are the backgrounds too distracting?
As always, leave a comment, and I'll be sure to read it!
Signing off

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