Wednesday 29 May 2013

A Chibi A Day...{Part One}

Hello Internet, and my apologies for my prolonged absence from my blog! I have excuses, and they are many, ranging from exams to procrastination. I'm a very good procrastinator. Brilliant at it, in fact. Look, for instance now, by telling you how great I am at procrastining, I have procrastinated from the main point of this post!
Basically, I get bored easily, and so it takes interesting work to keep my on a project like the blog. It's why I've been away for so long. With no requests flooding in from all you people, I've had nothing to do, and my imagination has been limited to supply my own creations.
Never fear, though!
I have devised a scheme to keep my blogging- and it's called A Chibi A Day.
Now, dependent on difficulty, this is pretty simple. I will attempt to post a chibi a day, in a series of six, for a new project 'The Seeker Within'. I realize now due to computer issues (to put it short, my screen is cracked and I am currently hooked up to my TV to use my laptop) that if I am not at home- and I plan to go see my sisters this weekend- my Chibi schedule may be put on hold until I return.
In the past I have never been brilliant at keeping to schedules, but I will Endeavor (Morse) to succeed!
Finally, onto the main reason for this post, the chibi itself- this is Loki, the protagonist for The Seeker Within, and, to avoid spoilers, that's all I will say.

Signing off- until tomorrow?
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1 comment:

  1. Heya, Kitsune-chan here!
    *is silent for a moment, transfixed by picture* she's.......beautiful!
    WHY did you not tell me this was up sooooooner! It says this was posted at 2pm! It is now 11pm!
    I am so happy you're finally drawing theses guys up! Can't wait to see the rest of the gang!
    Kitsune-chan out!
    P.S Did I mention I hate your for being so ridiculously talented? No? Well, I do. I wanna draw pweety things too!
